Opening Hours

Monday-Thursday 8.45am-5.45pm
Friday 8.45am-1pm
Late night Wednesday until 8pm

OUt of hours information

If you are worried, please contact the practice as soon as you can. To allow us time to accommodate you and help relieve your dental problem we prefer to hear from you before 10am. 

If you have a problem over the weekend or bank holiday, brunswick Dental Practice is part of the Bangor Dentists On Call Rota. 

Telephone the practice on 028 9146 2234. 


A message will advise you on the Dentist On Call arrangements.

There is a private fee for call out of £85, however our Member patients, registered with Denplan and children with the practice have this fee waived. 

Denplan's 24-Hour Worldwide Dental Emergency Helpline

If you have a problem and you are more than 40 miles away, Denplan registered patients can contact Denplan within the UK for assistance in finding a dentist on

Denplan Emergency Helpline UK 0800 7315 052

If you require assistance in finding a dentist overseas you can see any dentist of your choice. We recommend that you discuss your needs with your hotel concierge, tour operator representative or any family, friends or colleagues that you know in the area.

Denplan Emergency Helpline Overseas +44(0) 1962 844 751


We are happy to give advice by email on

Dental first aid tips

A sore tooth

Clean the area around the sore tooth thoroughly
Rinse your mouth vigorously with lukewarm (body temperature) salt water to dislodge trapped food or debris
Do not place aspirin on the gum or on the aching tooth
If your face is swollen, apply a cold compress and seek help from a dentist as soon as possible

Cold water rinses may temporarily ease the pain from a throbbing tooth

Avoid lying down as this raises the blood pressure and increases pain

A tooth knocked out

If a permanent tooth is knocked out, rinse it very gently in water if it's dirty, and push the tooth back into its socket.  If this is not possible, put the tooth into milk or saliva to keep it moist.  Get to a dentist or hospital casualty department as soon as possible

If a milk, or baby, tooth is knocked out, it must not be pushed back in

Website by: Pink Inc


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